Life is spinning faster and faster with the pace of life and the demands on parents ever increasing.  Many of you now work from home with less adult connection and less clear division between family time and work.  The pace of life that we all live is not well aligned with the developmental needs of children.  Whilst nursery can be hectic we try to carve out moments of calm for children.  Please follow our FaceBook page for links to local events, networks and support services.  We are hear to listen and where possible help please talk to us if you are ever struggling to cope or feeling overwhelmed. 
Sometimes we all need a good giggle - try watching the baby video at the bottom of the page - it is hard not to join in laughing especially when you see the infectious laughter comes from the baby enjoying his Dad ripping up a job rejection letter!

It takes a village to raise a child - we are part of your village. 

Please find Sandcastles current policies and procedures below.  As a small privately owned nursery we are constantly adapting our practice to best meet the needs of our children and their families if you have any suggestions or expertise you'd like to share which might be helpful in further shaping our policies we'd love to hear from you.  Many of our policies have been written and reviewed in consultation with parents.  We aim to fully review all policies and procedures every 3 years or more regularly if we find a revision is needed.  

Your child's online learning journal - our parent portal

You will be sent a password set up link by email. Once you have successfully logged in. You will be taken to your child's home page. Here you will be able to see your child's observations in chronological order. It is likely that the first time you log in there won't be very many posts, but this list will grow throughout your child's time at Sandcastles.

Please use this portal to directly contact your child's key person.

This portal allows you to share photos, videos, notes and milestones with your child's key person. Your input is then used to help us plan to inspire and engage your child, acknowledge milestones and share in your families special events. 



Families in the Foundation Years [Pregnancy - 5yrs]

Children develop more rapidly during the first five years of their lives years than at any other time. That's why they are called the foundations years – the building blocks for life! During these foundation years, children's health, maternal mental health, parenting style, learning activities and early education are all influencing factors that can make a big difference to your child's future.

Special Education Needs & Disabilities 'Local Offer'

All Early Years settings and schools within Lancashire must provide a document called a 'local offer' which describes their commitment to supporting children with additional needs.

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